Have you guys seen that movie with Brad Pitt? it's called "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"? Ya mikey is all old looking and shit and he's gonna turn into a baby when he's like 80!
8mile thinks all you guys stink... BOOM...ROASTED
Dustin and Chucky are single and ready to mingle! click on the link for some more info!
We got some more 8MILE T.V. for your ass. Eero's footage got sold on craigslist and we had to buy it back... it's a long story... anyway we have it now and it is here for your viewing pleasure. Just click HERE and your rollin'!Hit run episode coming soon!
Electric TM Creepy Cyle takes it to the pow in Colorado!
The DC dudes just got their new boards this week. Since board theft has been really high during these tough economic times... they hired a bull dog to protect the new gear."Hey! back off you dinks!"
He drank tons of coldies with this guy!
Bones got one year younger
Mikey, Eero, and Timbo went up to a special little spot and relaxed their muscles after weeks of hard boarding. They also brought and drank lots coldies because they are so tasty! Check it out my clicking HERE!
Kate Moss had a couple coldies with the 8mile dudes to get ready for her photo shoot today. She said she was only going to have a couple drinks... but since it was St. Patty's day she thought she would have a few more... next thing ya'know THIS happened! check it out!
On set of some new 8 mile tv on Whistler mtnShakin it!Happiest guys in CanadaChucky, Eero,Bones
Mikey and Eero with their new weapons of choice!
Eero and P-Mac ghost ride that fookin whipDuuuuuuuuuuudeEero is great at self portraitsNew mode of transportation (killer pic p.s. to whoever took that beauty!)Thanks Transworld. see ya next tuesday!
Throwback to the X MAS video for you sleepers!ps... hit the web loads section on the ringo when you get there!
pump up the volume!apparently her puss is hangin out...
Super manager Tall Todd still hard at work...
Peep the new JOFO bangersman were really killin it with these links these days!
Trouble! interview
Benji dusts a slasher for you mo-fo's
As previously reported we have some new head hanchos over here at 8 Mile. Chucky and Tall Todd recently swooped through town and were upgraded to "upper management" positions. Here are the two hard workin cats doin what they do best! Takin Care o' Biz!!! Todd says he is "sooper dooper close to sealin up a Lambo deal for us..."Also some new shots from recent film trips with the boyzz...livin it and lovin itMikey and P Mac looking for mr fancy pants...Pat Mcarthy enjoying the view. P Mac!Eero hooks it up with an amazing self portrait! straight from Alaska! eeoow!
Apparently Chucky really hates the singer Chris Brown, not to be confused with the Shredder/actor/dj Chris Brown...
Shorty's classic 'Young Brown Walsh' movie was just found online. If you have never heard of this movie you should click your uneducated mouse on that link ASAP! I hope you all notice we just learnt how to link to other sites from our blog... it's really easy... we just had no idea how to do it!
Here is a little video of Kale Stephens and Johnny Lyall up at Big White for the Endeavor & Airhole demo. They hung out with the Boardroom staff, did a couple laps, and apparently got into some sort of buffet. Check it out.