Eero and Iika just got back from vegas and sent in these beauties. and the old raver is back! browner was tearin it up last weekend and here is the proof!
Jake is in portugal for a month and a bit, so all of the dogs in vancouver are going to be running loose! the best dog fence installer is on vaca baby!
not sure if the peeps have seen the video section of the site yet, but here is one of our web loads. the web load 3 is my personal fave. check it out in the video section! eeoow! more coming soon!
just found a couple more beauties from the trouble show
Dustin and Chucky were in Whistler Last weekend and we hit the lakes... the bar... the slopes... had a blast basically. Just wanted to show you the matching tattoos they got. They have been having such an awesome summer they thought why not get a tattoo that says "BEST SUMMER EVER"... i guess they are having their best summer ever, and over here at 8mile we fully support it! EeeooooWWWW SUMMER 08'!
i dont know if you will think that is is as funny as we do do. but check it out. it's
Eero, IIkka, and Lauri were getting a bit tired of the same old surf breaks down in California and they had gotten soooo pitted sooo many times on that shit that they wanted to try some new waves..... So they went to NICARAGUA! check out some of the flicks they sent in. Surfs up bra!On day 1 they were a little surprised at how big the surf was so... they just played bocci ball and pretended that they were jet-lagged.Day 2 a little bit more confident... Eero slays a big fatty!Then IIkka shows eeerrbody he ain't scared and gets pitted!They partied at night as per usual.... and Eero jumped super high!IIkka was so excited to be in Nicaragua that some of his hair fell out, so now he has a buzz cut and Joni thinks he looks like Sheckler.These guys are going to be surfing lots of the west coast this summer so keep an eye out for these wild blonde Finns... Lauri is actually coaching a surf camp in Tofino on Vancouver Island next weekend, so be sure to go check him out!
Browner is the old Raver, this is from the other night he was dj'in up in whis. And, what can say... Paavo just loves sleeping on the floor.... just got this beautie the other day to add to the collection!-Mikey
just got back from a trip to Canmore. here are a few keepers-Mikey
chuck just sent in this beauty from his new site on the oil rigs. he's been up there a bunch this year and is getting quite buff
this truck is going for pretty cheap. just 1 bj!!!! not bad!
Here are some highlights of Kale's trip to Superpark 2008 with Paavo and Jbone.p.s. he did finally stop eating and get out of bed and got some shots that you can see in the new 8MILE movie dropping this fall.
J-bone, Trini, and Ryguy found the golden ticket in one of the many Coors light cases they purchase weekly... the golden ticket that invited them to the Coors Light Maxim Golf Tournament. So they headed out there (to Surrey) and drank more Coors lights with a bunch of other CL smooth drinkers and about 70 babes that all like to party as much as they do.These bitches held their clubs.No Shirt, No Shoes, No Problem!Pappa Ryguy Just having a blast!The best golfers in Canada.